Saturday 3 January 2015

One Day To Go...

The competition is nearly here and we are ready just in time!
We thought it was too good to be true when Mr Du said the second model was ‘wonderful’ the other day… we were right. We had to make a few changes to both as he was worried that they wouldn’t be interesting enough from all angles. He is also rather worried that a Greek person wouldn’t think our ionic columns are realistic, so it’s rather fortunate for us that there don’t seem to be any other Greeks here! We managed to finally finish them, write our plans of action and sharpen all our tools before dinner!
After dinner we attended the opening ceremony where we met Daizhong and one of the volunteers helping us. Imy and Andreas got up to introduce the team – we are block 19. There is also a team from Southampton University at this competition who are sculpting the Titanic, so it’ll be nice to meet them once we’ve started and see how they’re getting on with the snow and cold too!
We’re all getting an early night in preparation for an early start and long day tomorrow. We will hopefully have good news regarding our progress tomorrow evening!