Sunday 18 January 2015

Homeward Bound!

We spent the morning of our last day in Beijing visiting the Forbidden City. The huge park was completely different to everything else we’d seen. The circular temple was in the middle of a massive park full of groups of people singing and dancing. As we went through the gates we were greeted by different musicians and dancers every way we looked! It gave the place a really warm and lively atmosphere despite it being winter.

After this we walked back via the food market so Nana and Andreas could try some scorpions.
We then went on to visit the national art museum where there was some interesting calligraphy and Chinese landscape painting on display. In the evening we went to the acrobat show, which had rather a lot of juggling and balloon modelling at the start but got better as it went on!
We’re now all in Amsterdam airport waiting for our final flights back to the UK. Thanks NTU, HEU and everyone else involved for an amazing (if a little chilly) month! We’ve all thoroughly enjoyed it, feel privileged to have had the opportunity and have learnt a great deal! It has definitely been a trip we will never forget!
Zài jiàn (as they say in China)