Monday 12 January 2015

Du to the Rescue!

When we got here this morning we carried on as we had been yesterday though we still weren’t convinced that certain parts would be right. Where the globe had been enlarged we had lost room to put the wrist in which also meant it didn’t look quite right from the sides either. We carried on the best we could though as the students from Harbin Uni seemed happy with it.
At lunch Daizhong said that Du was coming this afternoon – we think he was worried we wouldn’t finish without him! Within half an hour of him being here he had completely changed the sculpture and it was back to looking a lot more like our model. We’re all pretty sure that we made more progress in the following two hours with his help than the last two days! Unfortunately, Imy’s back is no better so she had to leave early again but we are now all a whole lot more confident about finishing on time – perhaps even a little early! We can work until 2pm tomorrow but all we have to do is level off the base and check that everything is looking right. Just proves how much things can change in a day!
The first photos are how we left it at lunch, the next is Du starting work on it and the last how it looks this evening!