Sunday 4 January 2015

Harbin Snow and Ice World

Hi again, Jess here :) We’re just on the way back from the Harbin Ice and Snow World. We went to visit it along with all the other competitors after we finished our day of sculpting.

The whole park was incredible! The sculptures were things we could only dream of making! The place looked amazing at night with it all lit up. Paul told us that he could see it being built from his uni room and it has taken about a month to complete! There were lots of places to climb up and look inside as well as a maze and quite a few slides. We managed to persuade Daizhong to go down one of the slides with us – he visits every year with the uni but said it was his first time going down it… and probably his last!

There were also chairs carved with the animal heads for each year on them. Imy and I are the year of the dog and Daizhong is the year of the rat. Needless to say that this, along with many of the other sculptures, provided many photo opportunities! We had all been looking forward to going and it definitely lived up to expectations!