Wednesday 14 January 2015

Another Award for NTU!

Yesterday morning we finally finished our second sculpture. We were all pleased with it and relieved to have finally finished it! After this we wandered round to look at the other entries and the rest of the park. Some of the sculptures were incredible and on a massive scale! We then walked back to the hotel across the river. It was very pretty and a nice chance to catch up with some of the other competitors about how their sculptures turned out.

 In the evening there was the closing/awards ceremony. We ended up receiving the ‘Best Creativity’ prize and ¥3000 (about £300). This means we did better than at least 12 other teams and, considering they were mainly professionals, once again we were surprised and really happy with it! After the ceremony there was dinner and a chance to celebrate with everyone whilst some of the teams provided entertainment. The Latvian team won first prize with their sculpture of four women in front of each other. The way they cut away sections allowing you to look through it was really clever.
After a late night celebrating we all managed to get a few hours sleep before leaving the hotel at half 6 this morning. We got to our hostel in Beijing at about 12 noon. It’s a little cramped with all our luggage but the staff seem really friendly. We went to explore before going to the Red Theatre to see a Kung Fu performance. The commentary was in English and some of the acrobatics were pretty impressive! Afterwards, Nana went in search of ice cream which we found in the hostel bar.
All in all we’ve had a pretty good few days. We’re all really pleased with how we did in the competitions and now happy to have a few days exploring Beijing before heading home!