Monday 12 January 2015

End of the Second Day

We’re now over half way through the second competition but we still have a lot to do!
When we got there this morning Mr Du’s class had got to their sculpture earlier and tried to help us by changing ours however this confused us a bit when we got there. It was a very frustrating morning redoing the fingers over and over, which we thought we’d finished yesterday, so that they were up to Anderson’s standard. Because of the design we have to work from the top down so we couldn’t do much else until they were finished.
The afternoon was more productive though! Unfortunately Imy has hurt her back so had to go back to the hotel early. The rest of us managed to make a good start on the power stations and smoke. There’s still a long way to go but we’re more confident about finishing it now than we were at lunchtime. Paul said it went as low as -24 degrees today, so still very cold! We’re all shattered and ready for a good night’s sleep before our penultimate day of carving tomorrow!
Here are photos of the front and back so far, the power stations are at the back: