Sunday 11 January 2015

Comfy Beds All Round!

Yesterday we moved into the hotel ready for the second competition which means comfy beds, nice food, working WiFi and a shower that doesn’t flood the whole bathroom! So we’re all pretty pleased about this. There were even chips, bread and jam at lunch and dinner so something for everyone!
  After the excitement of being able to have chips and breaded prawns for lunch we attended the preliminary meeting where we were assigned block 17. We were also given extra coats and a toy squirrel. All the other competitors seem to be professionals except for Mr Du’s class but they were very friendly and keen to know if we’d done this type of thing before.
After the meeting, Andreas, Nana and I went to Central Street as we’re now staying quite close to it. We found a very sweet Russian cafe that was filled to the brim with little trinkets and ornaments, it felt more like we were at home than in China! As we walked back the City was all lit up and some of the buildings looked rather spectacular!
We had to modify some measurements slightly as the block was 4 metres high when we’d previously been told it was 3.5. After doing this we were all prepared and able to get an early night and plenty of rest, making the most of our nice comfy beds!