Sunday 28 December 2014

Out First Taste of Snow Sculpting...

In preparation for the competitions, Mr Du and his class have to create a sculpture of the competition sponsor’s logo. This is made out of a block of snow the same size as the blocks we’ll be creating our sculptures from. They started making this sculpture yesterday and we went out to help for a bit, so that we learn how to use the tools correctly before the competitions.

Mr Du was very concerned that we have a lot of right angles in our design and was keen for us to practice making sharp angles. We marked out straight lines using dyed string and then used a couple of tools to cut it. We used one with a serrated blade to quickly dig out the snow, then another tool a bit like the fine side of a cheese grater, to smooth it off. It took us quite a while to get the angles right and we had to keep standing back to look at it, but we got there in the end! It was really useful and made a nice change from sitting in the studio. It wasn’t even that cold once we got going! It did feel quite high up though!
We’re hoping to make a start on the second model tomorrow, but for now we’re all pretty tired, so it’s an early night all round!