Friday 26 December 2014

Merry Christmas From Harbin!

We woke up nice and early on Christmas morning to get into the studio for 9am, though some of us are still waking up even earlier because of the time difference. The view from our rooms at sunrise is rather pretty which doesn’t make the early starts as bad!

 We spent the morning in the studio working on the models. At lunchtime we went to a different floor in the dining hall (it has five) to see what that had to offer. Nana and I really liked our dishes and managed to find veg, which made a nice addition to all the rice! Imy and Andreas found theirs a little spicy and got a bread roll as well to fill them up!
We went to buy ski goggles after this to wear whilst making the sculptures.  We then went back to the studio where there was a very cute puppy that had come in with one of the students to greet us.
We carried on with the models for the rest of the afternoon though it had obviously been a long day already for some of us!
Afterwards, the whole class went out for a Christmas meal. We sat around large circular tables and a variety of dishes were placed in the middle. The caterpillars were a particular favourite of Nana’s! The rest of us rather liked the fish and ribs!
It’s custom to down your drink when someone greets you here which quite a few of the students did, especially the guys with Andreas. Fortunately they only drink their beer out of little glasses! They then ordered some rice wine and introduced us to some chinese drinking games! After all the beers had been finished off we headed home. Mr Du said we didn’t have to be in until the afternoon today so we got a nice lie in for a change!
So all in all a pretty good Christmas day despite being on the other side of the world! Merry Christmas from all of us to everyone back home!